Can artificial intelligence make public transport safer for vulnerable passengers? (Spoiler alert! Not unless we change it).

Can artificial intelligence make public transport safer for vulnerable passengers? (Spoiler alert! Not unless we change it).

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 11:45 AM to 12:00 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Vienna)
Track 3: Customer Experience


Public transport is a dangerous place for marginalised groups. The British Transport Police reported that race hate crimes soared from 1,453 in 2013 to 2,566 in 2018, and in 2020 YouGov found that over half of women who travel on London Public Transport have been sexually harassed. Access to public transport relies on everyone trusting it. 

Providers across the world are starting to rely on AI to support passengers. But as we’re finding out, AI has big challenges of its own. 

In a post-Chat GPT world, how do we ensure AI is a force for good in capturing and acting on passenger feedback, and ensures public transport is accessible for everybody?

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