Silver Sponsor
MOTIONTAG's technology generates and analyzes detailed, real-time data on how individuals travel, covering ten modes of transportation. We collect our data through smartphone apps where our technology runs in the background fully transparently for the end users (opt-in). By enriching it with external data sets and anonymizing the output, we provide aggregated mobility insights into travel demands.
MOTIONTAG's clients include national rail operators (SBB - Swiss National Rail, Deutsche Bahn), public transport operators (BVG, TPG), cities, government bodies (BMK Austria, BMBF), universities (ETH Zurich, TU Munich) as well as private companies and research institutes (Swisscom, GfK, infas).
Our technology makes it far more convenient for consumers to participate in travel surveys or donate data to help their cities and authorities collect data in an easy, scalable, and close to real-time manner.
Our data insights help, e.g., (public) transport authorities, with fare allocation (Klimaticket Österreich, Alliance Swiss Pass), improving planning for public transport operators and cities, and understanding the impact of external events on mobility (MOBICOR, MOBIS Covid).
Besides the application in travel surveys, our technology is used in apps that motivate people to move greener by providing engaging feedback on their carbon footprint (e.g., Swiss Climate Challenge, Aachen.move).