Silver Sponsor
Datafoundry is an AI-first company focused on the digital transformation of safety vigilance with innovative AI-driven automation.
Our passionate team of domain experts, data scientists, and AI innovators is committed to delivering insights and automation for safer drugs and improved health outcomes.
Our Solutions Include:
- DF mSafety AI is an end-to-end Safety Case Management solution with multi-source automated case intake and case processing with AI-assisted Seriousness Prediction and Causality Assessment, apart from other features such as auto-narrative generation. With configurable triage and submission rules, the solution is highly configurable and can be deployed in a secure, scalable and regulatory compliant manner, while giving up to 50% process efficiencies.
- DF mSignal AI is a comprehensive Signal and Risk Management solution with integrated agency safety datasets. It enables AI predictions on statistical scores, active surveillance, clinical risk flags, advanced analytics, and a host of other features that will save up to 60% of signal and risk management efforts.
- DF Literature Monitor is the solution for the Safety surveillance of literature articles across Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Devices, and Nutraceuticals. The product integrates 25+ open-access literature databases and offers Semantic Search, and Safety Data Extraction features using Gen AI.