A Modern CDMO for Early-Stage Antibody Companies

A Modern CDMO for Early-Stage Antibody Companies

Monday, April 15, 2024 5:10 PM to 5:30 PM · 20 min. (US/Pacific)
CMC & Developability, sponsored by Croda Pharma
Room 4


The team at Wheeler Bio, an antibody CDMO located in Oklahoma City, OK, spent the last three years standing up a purpose-built, boutique CDMO to better serve the needs of preclinical and clinical stage antibody companies needing early CMC development and cost-effective material supply services that better align with current fundraising challenges. With a digital-first approach to platform development that fully embraced modern bioprocess design, bioprocess modeling, machine learning, and integrated automations, Wheeler has built an open-source platform called Portable CMC® with proven scalability and cost-effectiveness. Efforts to integrate early CMC development with late discovery workflows have led to collaborative partnerships with coastal discovery CROs, including Alloy Therapeutics and Charles River Laboratories, that further distinguish Wheeler’s unique value proposition to biotechs. In this presentation, Dr. McNaull will share an overview of the platform development strategy and current performance metrics and describe how Wheeler better integrates programs from discovery to CMC development and early clinical supply.

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