Spectrum eXperience Management (SXM)

Spectrum eXperience Management (SXM)

Products & Services


Autonomous continuous spectrum monitoring and network intelligence platform. Real-time actionable network intelligence at your fingertips! SXM provides autonomous, continuous IoT cloud centric approach to spectrum intelligence and monitoring. SXM continuously characterizes network usage in an area, uploading data to the cloud where it’s aggregated across the SXM network. From this aggregated data, we derive valuable insights, empowering clients to optimize billions of dollars in annual spending on spectrum acquisition and network planning. KEY APPLICATIONS * Spectrum Monitoring & Analysis * 3GPP Network Analytics * Spectrum Utilization | Occupancy | Compliance * Cross Border Interference * Interference Detection * Competitive Intelligence * In-place Monitoring & TSCM BENEFITS - GOVERNMENT REGULATORY AGENCIES SXM’s seamless characterization of network spectrum usage and license compliance drastically improves the time and effort required with today’s traditional methods. * Efficient Spectrum Allocation * Enhanced Spectrum Planning * Regulatory Compliance Support * Improved Interference Detection * Enhanced Cross-Border Coordination BENEFITS - MNO/MSO Gain continuous, comprehensive visibility into wireless technologies with SXM, delivering real-time insights for optimizing and protecting wireless networks. * Optimized Spectrum Usage * Efficient Network Planning * Improved Interference Management * Informed spectrum acquisition * Competitive Intelligence BENEFITS - PRIVATE NETWORK OPERATORS Continuous and comprehensive network insights by SXM, empower private network operators to proactively protect their critical wireless networks and ensure uninterrupted operations. * Improved Reliability * Efficient Resource Allocation * Enhanced Network Performance * Enhanced Network Security * Optimized Spectrum Usage

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