ScailyteBooth 1020Scailyte is an ETH Zürich spin-off with a best-in-class artificial intelligence platform for the discovery of complex molecular and cellular patterns from single-cell data. Our solution provides unprecedented insight into the disease and patients’ biology and enables the discovery of new clinically-relevant biomarker signatures by uncovering human’s hidden “single-cell” secrets.
Scailyte’s proprietary best-in-class data analysis platform ScaiVision™ associates multimodal single-cell datasets (scRNA-seq, CITE-seq, CyTOF, TCR-/BCR-seq, etc.) with clinical endpoints, such as disease progression, severity, treatment response and toxicity response to identify ultra-sensitive biomarker signatures and cell functionality states. Our discoveries elucidate drug MoA and inform on the risk benefit ratio.
The performance and clinically-relevant applications of Scailyte’s platform ScaiVision have been demonstrated in CAR-T cell therapies and various clinical projects in Immuno-oncology.