Moving from Hype to Reality in Pharmaceutical AI Applications

Moving from Hype to Reality in Pharmaceutical AI Applications

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 12:45 PM to 1:05 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Brussels)
Large Language Models
Theatre 1


With over a year having passed since the beginning of the purported "AI Revolution," a question remains: how can life science companies best utilize this technology to accelerate safer and more efficacious therapeutics to patients? Currently, Andreesen Horowitz estimates that 73% of pharmaceutical companies are struggling to adopt AI effectively. The key lies in defining concrete use cases that maximize the capability of the AI technology to assist scientists at the bench, data scientists in the dry lab, to medical writers working with regulatory agencies. This presentation will cover three examples:

  • Utilizing GPTs to support structured content authoring in medical writing and regulatory submissions
  • Automating data transformation to support eCTD standardization
  • Expanding the scope and improving the validation of the creation of quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) models to improve target ID, PK/PD, and clinical trial design


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